Train Hard, Fight Harder.
We would like to say congratulations to Esmeralda for doing a great job. Esmeralda has lost over 30 pounds working out with her trainer John Avalos. If you would like to contact us and set up an appointment you can call or E-mail John Avalos at
E-mail: or call 805-844-7808
We would like to thank Gold Line Towing and Oxnard Insurance Coreathletics Academy and Solarx Auto Insurance for all of their support
Contact John Avalos. All donations are tax deductible.

About Our Gym
Our mission at Real Deal Boxing is to provide a place to help people in their pursuit of health and fitness. The #1 reason people drop out of gyms is they feel uncomfortable there. We wanted to help overcome that obstacle, so we created a place where people want to work out.
Our sole job is to provide our customers with updated and important information on fitness and nutrition. Our programs are catered to the individual and you'll never feel like you're working out under a microscope. Working out with us really is as comfortable as working out at home, only better. We understand the importance of value, so we consistently look for ways to provide the most comfortable environment possible for you to enjoy.
you can also follow us also on Instagram @ realdealboxing_805